Friday, August 28, 2009


Guess who turned 52 today?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Ginny is so clever. Give her a pattern and she will figure an easy way to sew it together. Start with the handles and stitch across the top and press, you have a much neater bag. Ginny will be glad to explain the whole process in person.
(I was done by 4:30.)
Thanks Ginny.


You have to click on the picture for a close-up to see the visiting fawn. Full of spots, must have been a late season birth. Cute....

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Gone the sun......
Camp is over, Bandit is home with her family and Katie Kate is worn out.

Block one of the Laurel Burch Jungle quilt is complete. I love sewing with these bright fun prints. Just wait until you see the border!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Time flies when you are having fun. All good things must come to an end. Pictures from this year and last.
Come back again next year Bandit.

Friday, August 21, 2009


The week at camp is flying by.
It is important to meet new friends at camp. Yesterday we went next door to visit Coco dog. (Sorry no pictures of Coco, the battery went dead in the camera) Coco was glad to see new friends because he doesn't get out much. Bandit and Katie Kate filled him in on the weeks activities at camp and invited Coco out for a walk at the farm.
See you next year Coco...

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I"ll just wait outside. Bandit is in no mood for a spa treatment today. Please don't make me take a bath!
Katie Kate loves her weekly spa scrub for her many allergies but Bandit thinks this spa stuff is for the birds.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Day 4 at camp starts out with a nice nature walk around the farm. Deer and rabbits are the entertainment for the morning. We started early because summer is finally here and it is hot. Bandit had no idea this camp included exercise!
I think the pups were chatting about the whole exercise routine and are not happy about it. They may just boycott the activities for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Poor Bandit, had no idea what was in store for her at camp this year. Learning to quilt takes time but we are in a jam with the gingerbread men and need to get it finished. Borders are always a challenge so Bandit volunteered to help.
Should we add the yellow on to the border or not?
Bandit voted yes to the yellow because it complimented her coat so well and it looked so cute on the quilt. Thanks for the help Bandit.
That is my Christmas quilt she is resting on, by the way.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Day 2 of fun is just starting.
remembers one of the mysteries of summer camp is the cute little brown thing behind the gate. That would be Kricket cat of course. There are no cats at Bandits house so this is great fun to torment Kricket several times a day by standing at the gate and howling at the top of her lungs just to see what Kricket will do. Poor kitty. Kricket thinks Bandit has lost her mind. Bandit just wants to play.....

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Guess who is back? Bandit is back for summer camp at the farm. Each year Bandit sends the family away to parts unknown so she can come to camp with Katie Kate. The greeting was a bit rocky at first but after deciding who was in charge, things are just fine. Bandit got a good nights sleep and is ready for a new adventure. We started off the day with a nature walk this morning. A tired dog is a happy dog, at least that is what I hear.
As you can see Bandit is making herself at home. Practicing for some squirrel chasing fun later in the day.
Lots of activities are planned for the week, so check in daily to see what the pups are up to this year at camp.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Wildchild, you are killing me with these quilts of yours. 12 inches of border plus extra corner pieces and the extra block in the middle top and bottom because my border fabric came off two different bolts and doesn't match up. At least I cut all the long side pieces out of one bolt and the top and bottom out of another. That way it doesn't matter if the pattern doesn't match up. The two borders are over 1/4 inch off on the design, so I can't put them side by side. Good thing I ordered extra! 3 sides down, one to go. Hope you like it.


Time for a road trip to Quilting Adventures in the west end. Ginny needed a trip to QA so we headed over to the west end this morning. Tree fabric for Cindy, Christmas fabric for Lucy and flannel for me. Did Ginny purchase anything?
Time for lunch, all that fabric shopping makes you hungry. McAllister's Deli just opened out in Midlothian, near JoAnns fabric store. Clubs, baked potatoes, meatloaf, you name it, tasty, tasty.
A quick trip in JoAnns for Ginny to pick up some sale buttons only to be charged full price by mistake. Back to the store we go for a refund.
Next stop, Quilter's Corner in Midlothian proper. I picked up more of the gingerbread men for binding. The Christmas selection was better there than any place we shopped today, but still lacking in a good selection. Where is all the good Christmas fabric?
Happy Quilters of Chesterfield tomorrow....

Monday, August 10, 2009


Wow! Time flies.
First day of third grade at Ecoff Elementary School, September 1990.
(click on the picture to enlarge)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Ole' folks.
Time for the gang to get together for a Mexican Fiesta. Taco dip, Mexican lasagna, pasta, spicy stuffed peppers, lime pie and brownies just to name a few. A nice hot summer day with nice hot Mexican food. Karl and Eli were in town to pick up their pup so they came along for lunch. Matt gave us the scoop on the big team, practice started last week. Looks like a great football season is in store for us.
Next event, October.


If first you don't succeed.....
Well try number two looks better. After making the first gingerbread top and realizing that the border didn't match the quilt, I cut top number two. This time I mixed a few dark pieces in the quilt body to pick up the blue in the border. Looks much better.