Friday, April 30, 2010


Breakfast at the Cracker Barrel with the girls.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Crystal was in town for a hot minute so we headed off to Dolce for dinner.

Doug got a new tattoo and shaved his head. Some kind of mid-life thing we guess. Nita is thrilled.

Crystal it was great to have you home if only for the night!


Friday sew day at the farm.
Cindy brought Snooks along for the day. A dog crate is just sooooo much fun
Bird watching out the back door
The doggy door seems to work for the dogs, so Snooks had to give it a try
Of course lunch is the high point of the day
Zelda explains the finer points of Plantar Fasciitis

Wow! Puppy pictures


Easter break and the family rolls in. Time to make a bunny cake.

Of course it had to be chocolate....

Saturday, April 3, 2010


My friend Lucy came across these pictures today. This is Brandi and Richard's wedding rehearsal dinner in May 2008.
The kids were so glad Louis was feeling well enough to attend the rehearsal dinner at Commander's Palace and perform the wedding ceremony at Audubon Park in New Orleans on May 10, 2008. Of course the ceremony was carefully written by Louis just for the kids, we laughed, we cried, but it was beautiful.

Louis lived his life doing God's work, he was called home last spring.......

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Never use bone meal in the yard with the dogs, they can't leave it alone!
Garden Gnome from the kids
Crabapple tree
False Indigo
Quince, I must have two bushes in the group
The first yellow Hyacinthe I ever grew
They smell wonderful!
Candy Tuft
My bargain Magnolia from Walmart


Finished the quilt.

Titled Alphabet Soup